Malta…best place to live in?

Malta has made it at 3rd place on a list which looks at the top 25 best cities for young people to live in.  Now I’m a young person and I live here so I’m going to give a little run down as to what is awesome about living on such a tiny island and what isn’t.

Being small has its benefits but also restrictions at times. (Coming from a 4ft10 person, I know a thing or two about being small!)  I think young people in Malta are super lucky in that we get to live with our parents ’till we get married or go live with someone, rent free, with food on the table (massive portions just in case, God forbid, we become weak), clothes washed and you don’t feel like a burden.  Most parents in Malta almost feel offended if at ,say 19, you decide to move out.

Education is another one.  We not only get free education but we also get stipends and grants so that we can buy books and “school related” stuff.  This is obviously not the case abroad, so yeah, we’re lucky to be here.

The size of Malta is where issues come in.  We get to not have to travel around a lot and waste money on travelling, but at times, especially for people who are growing up and want to try new things, the island may be a bit limiting. This then leads to one of the very few things I hate about living in Malta, the lack of available brands and stores and chains.  I actually did a post once on just this. I   We don’t have a Starbucks or an Apple Store or an H&M or a Taco Bell or a Forever 21 or a MAC store…ehhh… the list is endless.  Ideology may also be a bit old fashioned at times though I think this is improving immensely.

I don’t want to end this post on a negative note, far from that, I love living here.  Malta is a safe, easygoing country, so yes, I do agree, it’s a great for young people.
